About Us

At "No Patients Left Behind", we believe in the power of cannabis to heal and support. Our mission is to ensure that no patient is left without access to their essential cannabis medication. We are committed to fighting cancer, one joint at a time.

About Us

100% Transparency

Every cent you donate goes directly to "No Patients Left Behind". We guarantee that 100% of the profits are used to help cannabis patients.

Collaborating Brands

We're proud to collaborate with brands that share our vision and commitment:

Donate & change a life today.
About Us

Fighting Cancer One Joint at a Time

Every donation brings us one step closer to our goal and ensures that patients have access to the cannabis they need.

Donate & change a life today.

Donate & change a life today.


NO PATIENT LEFT BEHIND 2023 © / Design by Helium.mx and Development by Ultra Solutions